Tuesday, September 19, 2006

We knew the day would come too soon . . .

and it did. Monday was our first day to work and school. Ani was very happy to have her little brother at school with her. Ruston seems to like Mrs. Rita who is very good with the babies. There are five babies in his room which means he has two teachers all the time. Mrs. Rita is there in the mornings and quickly wisks him out of my arms. It is nice having the daycare at work because I can run over and check on him during the day. I went by twice on Monday and both times he was a happy little clam! They let him have his swing at school even though they usually don't. I was happy about this because I know if he has his swing he will sleep so much better. He wasn't happy about getting a bottle but is adjusting pretty well. It will take a couple weeks to get a routine down, but so far we are surviving week 1.
I promise to blog our recent trip North to the "South" this weekend. Stay tuned . . . I have lots of pictures to share. . . . Posted by Picasa


Amy said...

Can't wait to see your pics--still can't believe that we missed each other.

The Jackson 4 said...

I feel your pain! Even though there were days when I was bored, my summer off with the kids went WAY too fast! You are really lucky to have the kids close to you. Hang in there, and I'm looking forward to the pics!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to the "trip pictures". I cannot believe how big Ruston had grown and in such a short time.
Love ya!
Aunt Lynda