Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Plane rides

plane ride.JPG, originally uploaded by jodifurr.

Ruston loves plane rides and to flip from your shoulders. You have to be careful with him because once he does something once, he knows how. He will flip again whether you are ready or not! The best part is his laugh!

I can't hear you!

I can't hear you!.JPG, originally uploaded by jodifurr.

Ani's Papaw gave her these ear muffs. She thinks it is so funny that she can't hear with them on!


what?.JPG, originally uploaded by jodifurr.

What am I doing something that I am not suppose to? You aren't going to yell at me are you? I am really too cute for that! I must admit his is. He is so much fun and loves to play and be chased!

a hat or bowl?.JPG

a hat or bowl?.JPG, originally uploaded by jodifurr.

We call him distructo boy because it is amazing what he can destroy and how fast he can destroy it! He loves playing with my kitchen bowls - good thing they are tupperware!


bowlsJPG, originally uploaded by jodifurr.

Ani had to join in on the fun and Ruston loved sharing his bowls!