One of the neat things about where we live is the big Hilton hotel and restaurants across the street put on a great fireworks show for New Years. Our subdivision fills up with cars that drive down to see it. All we have to do it walk out our front door. The show is about 20 minutes and is beautiful. The best part is we don't have to get out and drive or fight traffic! I hope everyone had a safe holiday!
Well, since the house was already a mess, we decided to spend the New Year's weekend redoing our room. Finally, all of the nasty carpet is out of the house. That only took a year! Ani was a big helper! The pieces of flooring were just about as big as her. She was so proud of herself. "Look Momma. Look what I did!"
Is he just adorable. The swing doesn't work anymore - I guess three months of him sleeping in it all night with it moving was enough. Fortunately he is now sleeping well in his bed. We put him in his swing to sit up and play since he wasn't sitting up by himself yet. After a couple of little fusses this is how he ended up! Too cute!
I believe in pink, I believe laughing is the best calorie burner, I believe in kissing, kissing a lot, I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong, I believe that happy girl's are the prettiest girls, I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I believe in miracles.
Gonna Miss This
Your gonna miss this, Your gonna want this back, Your gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast. . . This song rings in my head every day, every moment, as I watch the kids play and laugh and act silly. I know . . . I am gonna miss this. . . much sooner than I expect.
Our lives are defined by moments frozen in time in our memories. I am no different. I remember my bicycle wreck in California when I was 4, moving across country with my family when I was 7, catching lightening bugs in the yard, my baby cow - named cricket, my grandma's visit, summers on the boat, my mom dying at 15 and life never being the same, meeting the love of my life, at 16, my wedding, buying my first house, the birth of my daughter, reuniting with my family, selling my first house, the birth of my son, loosing my father in law. All along the way learning lesson in life and growing up - which I have learned didn't stop at 18.