Friday, August 04, 2006

The big surprise

Sunday was finally here. We made our way back to the Theater of the Sea for Syrina's big surprise. We Waded with the Dolphins, Stormy and Duffy! It was so much fun. I was worried that Ani would be too afraid, but she did really well. Syrina was so excited. The first thing was to have the dolphins swim by us and let us pet them. It took Ani a couple of passes before she touched them, but she did it! We were able to do a couple of tricks with them, get a dolphin kiss, and hug them. All of the activities were done from a platform area. It is set up for those that can't swim or are too young to swim with the dolphins. Syrina couldn't touch bottom so she had to wear a life jacket and have Stacee help her. Ani hung on to me like glue. We had a great time. We left the park at 6 pm and we were all exhausted! Posted by Picasa

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